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Interactive Accessibility is committed to providing an accessible website. If you have difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact us to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use.
Notice Under the Americans
With Disabilities Act takes accessibility seriously. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to report an accessibility issue, please contact us.
The following is a list of steps we have taken to ensure ADA compliance and provide a positive experience for those with accessibility needs:
  • Text size and has made every effort to ensure that text is legible and contrasts with the background on which it appears. We have also made sure that the website works well when users increase the size of their browser. To increase the text size in your browser, please hold down the control key and press the '+' or '-' keys on your keyboard to increase or decrease the magnification.
  • Image Captions and has tagged all images with descriptive text and/or captions for screen readers.
  • Time Sensitive User Interaction – Forms, offers, and other things that require user interaction are not time sensitive on Users with visual or hearing impairments will have plenty of time to provide any necessary input.
  • Keyboard has implemented features to make keyboard navigation easy and clear for people with visual and other impairments.
Please contact us or Call Us if you have any accessibility issues or concerns..

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